Isroil Ikromov - On uniform estimates for oscillatory integrals

  • 17 November 2021
  • 16:00
  • Online - MS Teams

Presented by Isroil Ikromov (Samarkand)

We consider oscillatory integrals with a smooth phase depending on parameters. The estimates for oscillatory integrals by a function depending only on a large parameter are used in applications. Such kind of bounds are called uniform (with respect to the other parameters) estimates for oscillatory integrals. There are well-known uniform estimates proved by Van der Corput, Vinogradov, Duistermaat, Karpushkin, Phong, Stein, Gressman and so on. We discuss issues related to the discrete Klein-Gordon equation. Also, we plan to demonstrate a proof of uniform estimates for oscillatory integrals. This is based partly on the joint work with Jean-Claude Cuenin "Sharp time decay estimates for the discrete Klein-Gordon equation".

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