Ordinance XXXIII

Diplomas and Certificates

(Version effective from 1 August 2022)

  1. The University may award the following Diplomas and Certificates:
  • Diploma in Industrial Studies (DIS)
  • Diploma in Professional Studies (DPS)
  • Diploma in International Studies (DIntS)
  • Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip)
  • Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE)
  • Professional Diploma
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
  • Professional Graduate Certificate in Education
  • Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert)
  • Certificate of Higher Education (Cert HE)
  • Professional Certificate
  • Certificate in Foundation Studies
  • Certificate in International Foundation Studies
  • Professional Graduate Diploma in Architecture
  • Other Diplomas may be awarded under the provisions of para.12 of this Ordinance.
  1. The University may offer introductory studies programmes leading to Diplomas, Certificates and other awards of external validating bodies.
  2. Senate shall make Regulations in respect of the conduct of programmes leading to the award of Diplomas and Certificates of the University and the conditions of entry to such programmes.
  3. All candidates for the award of a Diploma or Certificate of the University must have satisfied the University's entrance requirements and have been registered as students of the University or on a programme validated by the University. They must have completed all requirements specified by Regulations including specified assessments, and have discharged all obligations to the University including the payment of fees and other charges and the return of all 蚂蚁福利导航s and other material borrowed from the Library.
  4. The Diploma in Industrial Studies, Professional Studies or International Studies may be awarded to persons who, in the course of having qualified for the award of the degree of Bachelor, or Master of Engineering, Master of Mathematics, Master of Physics, Master of Chemistry, Master of Computer Science or Master in Science, shall also have satisfactorily completed a period of professional training or international experience in accordance with Regulations made by Senate.
  5. The Postgraduate Diploma and the Postgraduate Certificate may be awarded to persons who have satisfactorily completed relevant parts of an advanced programme of study approved by Senate for the purpose of these awards. Regulations for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma and the Postgraduate Certificate shall be incorporated in Regulation XXI for Postgraduate Awards.
  6. The Diploma of Higher Education and the Certificate of Higher Education may be awarded to persons who have accumulated a stipulated number of credits at an appropriate level from a programme approved by Senate to lead to undergraduate awards. Regulations for the award of the Diploma of Higher Education and the Certificate of Higher Education shall be incorporated in Regulation XX for Undergraduate Awards.
  7. The Postgraduate Certificate in Education or Professional Graduate Certificate in Education may be awarded to persons who have satisfactorily completed programmes of study including school teaching practice approved by Senate for the purpose of these awards, and are acceptable to the relevant Programme Board for recommendation for recognition as qualified teachers.
  8. The Professional Diploma and the Professional Certificate may be awarded to persons who have satisfactorily completed programmes of study approved by Senate for the purpose of these awards.
  9. The Certificate in Foundation Studies may be awarded to persons who have met the criteria for successful completion of the Foundation Studies programme, as stipulated in the relevant programme regulations, and who leave the University without proceeding to or completing Part A of an undergraduate degree programme.
  10. The Certificate in International Foundation Studies may be awarded to persons who have satisfactorily completed a programme of study approved by Senate to lead to this award.
  11. Other Diplomas may be awarded to persons who have satisfactorily completed periods of study of not less than ten weeks of full-time study or its equivalent approved by Senate for the purpose of such awards.