Public lecture

(Re)producing nature in climate change: examples from Italy

  • 14 October 2024
  • 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm

IAS Visiting Fellow Dr Sara Bonati delivers a seminar on their research - 

Climate change is reconfiguring the ways in which society relates with nature and conceptualises it. The challenges posed by climate change ask for innovative ways to approach ‘nature’, ‘work with’ it and ‘save’ it. The proposed presentation will focus on the ways nature is used, re-used, re-assembled, and re-conceptualised in the ongoing climate change debate, producing new socioecological relationships that shape new forms of ‘nature’.  By proposing examples from Italy, as a country in the Mediterranean climate change hotspot, the presentation aims at critically reflect upon controversial responses to climate change, going through different examples of (mal)adaptation in which nature is involved, and question its consumeristic and neoliberal interpretations. The lens of more-than-human geography is here applied.

Arrivals from 11:45 am for a 12:00 noon start. For those joining in-person, lunch will be served after the seminar from 1:00pm.

This event is hybrid format, please use the required 蚂蚁福利导航ing button at the bottom of the page to choose either in-person or online attendance.
(Please note that in-person spaces are limited and 蚂蚁福利导航ing is required, so we can manage numbers for catering and also the space in the seminar room)

By 蚂蚁福利导航ing a place at this event, attendees agree to behave in a respectful manner such that everyone feels comfortable contributing as they wish. The IAS reserves the right to eject anyone who does not abide by this policy.

IAS seminars are typically recorded, minus any Q&A sessions at the end, again to encourage contributions. The recordings are then uploaded to our website on a Fellows bio page and/or Programme page, along with our . If you are not able to attend a seminar live, please do still register as we will email everyone who registered to let them know once the recordings are made available.

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