Computer & software availability system

There are over 2,000 computers with a wide range of software available across campus.

Some are managed by IT Services and are mostly accessible by all students. School-managed computer labs have restricted access and are only available to those that belong to the specific school/department.

To check the location and real-time availability of these facilities, please visit the Computer & Software Availability system.

Features include:

  • Real-time availability dashboard display
  • Full software listing
  • Built-in campus map
  • Remote access (RDP)

System overview

The Dashboard display is made up of widgets showing different sets of information.


  • Lab Live ÂìÒϸ£Àûµ¼º½ings - ÂìÒϸ£Àûµ¼º½ed for teaching (Red)
  • Self-service 24/7 computers (Orange)
  • Teaching labs – Taught (Blue)
  • Remote access computers (Purple)
  • Library computers


The Software section presents an A-Z listing of software installs. For a quick search, please use the search field and type a partial product name and the possible matches will be listed based on the application name, vendor name, and related products.

Screenshot of the Campus software availability search

Alternatively, you can check the software listing on an individual computer by clicking on the Windows icon on the room layout and this will present a full list of the software available.


Search for computer labs close to your current location. Please check the digital signage outside the room to see details of upcoming ÂìÒϸ£Àûµ¼º½ings.‌

Selecting the Maps icon from the sidebar, go to the preferred location on the map and click for an instant ‘availability’ display of computers in that location. Select a room and this will default to the room layout. From here you can check the software listing for the selected computer.